Learning Basic Skills in Microsoft Excel
Description: Microsoft Excel can be one of the greatest organizational and time-saving tools but for some teachers, using this application and starting with a blank spreadsheet can be a daunting task. Therefore, this course is designed to help them feel comfortable working with Excel and integrating it into their educational workspace. During this training, educators will acquire the basic skills to create customized Excel worksheets for their learning environment and easily organize, calculate and display their students’ grades.
In this training, participants will:
– Be introduced to the tool, its features and its educational benefits.
– Learn how to organize and manipulate data.
– Learn formulas such as SUM, AVERAGE, COUNT, MIN & MAX, etc.
– Create basic charts like line charts, bar charts and pie charts.
– Create a grade sheet.
Audience: K-12 Teachers, K-12 Special Educators, Head of Departments & Divisions
Language: English, French or Arabic
Date: As per the school’s request
Duration: 3 hours
Delivery Mode: Online or on campus
№ of attendees per Class: 15
Certificate: A certificate of attendance will be provided to participants.