Interactive Displays

Brilliant interactive displays. Powerful lesson delivery.

Award-Winning Interactive Displays & Lesson Delivery Software for Education

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Interactive Displays

Learn how our industry-leading interactive displays are transforming the front-of-classroom experience around the world.

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Teaching and Lesson Delivery Software

Discover next-generation lesson delivery software that leverages technology to energise the learning environment.

Interactive Displays for Schools

ActivPanel Nickel
ActivPanel Nickel

Our essential interactive display for teaching and learning

The ActivPanel Nickel is designed to provide teachers with all of the essential functionality to create interactive and engaging learning environments. Internet-ready and preloaded with teaching tools, the ActivPanel Nickel is a reliable interactive display for schools looking for an easy-to-use and highly capable solution.

Download FlyerDownload Spec Sheet

ActivBoard Touch
ActivBoard® 10 Touch™

MULTI-USER COLLABORATIVE Multi-user collaborative display

ActivBoard Touch provides teachers with a wide range of tools to support their daily instruction at an affordable cost. Teachers and students can easily interact with content using swipe, pinch, and zoom gestures to share ideas, work on projects, or master concepts.

Download Spec Sheet


ActivInspire is a collaborative lesson delivery software for interactive displays. Known and loved by educators around the world, ActivInspire provides a vast suite of tools to create and deliver dynamic lessons.

Download ActivInspire Flyer

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Designed by teachers for teachers, ClassFlow is next-generation lesson delivery software with advanced collaboration tools for student engagement. Energise the classroom with interactive lessons, activities, quizzes, and millions of immersive resources from educators around the world.

Learn more about ClassFlow


Designed by teachers for teachers, ClassFlow is next-generation lesson delivery software with advanced collaboration tools for student engagement. Energise the classroom with interactive lessons, activities, quizzes, and millions of immersive resources from educators around the world.

Learn more about ClassFlow

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Start equipping your school with the most-advanced panels right now!

For more information or purchase inquiries, email us at [email protected] or book a demo here.

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