AR Coloring Pages

Bring your students’ coloring to life!

Augmented Reality in the classroom improves engagement, motivation to learn & overall achievement!

The AR Coloring Pages make learning fun for everyone, helping teachers and students achieve their goals.


How it works

Start using the AR Coloring Pages with your students in just a few steps


1. Print
Choose from a range of fun coloring packs on the Quiver app. Simply download, print and you’re ready to go.


2. Color
Let your imagination run wild, adding favorite colors to your pages and masterpieces.


3. Scan
Ready to bring your coloring to life? Scan using one of QuiverVision’s app.


4. Play
Watch Quiver’s 3D Augmented Reality animate your image and unlock an exciting world of play.

Coloring Pages

AR Coloring Earth Day in 3D
AR Coloring Number 5 in 3D
AR Coloring Christmas Tree in 3D
AR Coloring Volcano in 3D
AR Coloring Triangle Shape in 3D
AR Coloring Wash Hands in 3D
ar coloring rocket in 3d

Start using the AR Coloring Pages in your Classroom Right Now!

For more information or purchase inquiries, email us at [email protected] or book a demo here.

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