What is QuiverVision Coloring App?
QuiverVision is an AR coloring App that combines physical coloring with the augmented reality technology to bring teachers and students an extraordinarily magical experience! When students finish coloring the sheet, they can use the QuiverVision App to animate its content, interact with the 3D objects and enjoy the in-app quizzes, and games!
How does it work?
1- Print out your page from the Coloring Packs.
2- Color it with pencils, crayons, markers, or paint.
3- Download and install the Quiver – 3D Coloring app from the Apple Store or the Play Store.
4- Scan the QR Code on the bottom of the coloring sheet.
5- Scan the coloring sheet to animate your image and bring it to life in 3D.
6- Interact with the 3D objects, in-app quizzes, and games.
Educational Value
- Students participating in active and immersive learning environments are 1.5 times more likely to succeed than students in traditional learning environments.
- It has been proven that students retain 3x as much information from things they actively experience compared to what they read and hear!
- Augmented Reality coloring technology help students better visualize & understand various learning subjects.
- Students will enjoy interacting with the 3D objects, the in-app quizzes, and games.
- The AR coloring sheets add a lot of engagement to coloring. Students will love seeing their color choices come to life!
Why Subscribe?
- QuiverVision platform is your one-stop shop for Augmented Reality content and lesson plans for Pre-K to Year 4 and beyond.
- It is an educational platform that utilizes Augmented Reality coloring technology to help students better visualize & understand various learning subjects.
- Created by teachers & ambassadors, the Augmented Reality lessons are designed to meet the needs of all students by incorporating a variety of activities, so you can start using augmented reality in your classroom right away!
- Over 27 million educators and students engage, learn, and collaborate with QuiverVision throughout the year.
Subscription includes
- Access to an extensive range of AR coloring experiences (150+ coloring sheets).
- Access to a repository of supportive supplementary material and activity plans for teachers, students and parents to use in combination with the 3D content they have access to.
- Access to the Educators’ community on Facebook!
How much does it cost?
The cost to subscribe depends on the license plan you choose and the country you live in. There are 5 plans to choose from: 10 seats, 30 seats, 75 seats, 150 seats and a 500 seat school plan. As an approximate guide, if you live in New Zealand the monthly costs are: $5 for 10 seats, $9 for 30 seats, $12 for 75 seats, $18 for 150 seats and $45 for 500 seats.
Plans for 75 seats, 150 seats & 500 seats also offer extra features to make it easier for the account to be managed by several teachers. This makes classroom management much easier as multiple teachers can create & manage their own classes within the same license plan. We also offer discounted annual subscription options. To see your specific rates, please sign up for the free 7-day trial & click on the ‘License Plan’ button within the dashboard.
How to Subscribe & Use the Education Dashboard?
Sign up for a free trial of QuiverVision EDU Dashboard to experience it for yourself! Unlock over 150+ coloring sheets, digital teaching aids,and resources like activity plans and more!
Check out the Getting Started Kit here. Don’t forget to use the CODE “QVTECHEDUC” for a SPECIAL DISCOUNT!
Coloring Packs
More than 150+ quiver coloring pages covering different educational topics to use in your classroom! Download them here!
- Animal ABC
The Animal ABC pack includes an augmented reality coloring sheet for 26 animals – one animal for each letter of the alphabet! The experiences include a path of motion game, a drag and drop game as well as lots of phonics to listen to! Overall, a very fun & engaging way for kids to learn about the alphabet and associated animals.
- Numbers
The QuiverVision Numbers pack includes an augmented reality coloring sheet for each number from 1 to 10! The pages provide a fun & cool way for kids to learn about simple numbers. The pack also includes interactive quizzes for all grades and other engaging learning activities.
- Science
Try out the new Science pack which includes Plant Lifecycle, Water Lifecycle, Food Chain, Plant Cell, Animal Cell & Volcano.
- Platonic Solids
Feel the power of the 5 Platonic Solids and discover the magical elements of each solid. A polyhedron is composed of 12 faces and represents the fifth element ether, added by Aristotle. A hexahedron is a solid object bounded by six square faces and represents the classical element of earth. A polyhedron is composed of 20 faces and represents the classical element water. A polyhedron is composed of eight faces and represents the classical element of air. A polyhedron is composed of four triangular faces and represents the classical element of fire. Watch them take shape and come to life on your desk!
- Aquatic Animals
QuiverVision Aquatic Animals adds new premium pages: the Octopus, Duck and two Dolphin pages.
- Dinosaurs
Try the new Dinosaur pack! The pack includes Velociraptor, Triceratops, Dilophosauraus, Tyrannosaurus (T-Rex), Brachiosaurus, Stegosaurus, Compsognathus & Pterodactyl!
- Landmarks
Seven iconic landmarks from around the world! Each page features a famous landmark and an animal from that country that can be colored in! Bring the page to life to see the landmark and animal in augmented reality, and to browse interesting facts about them.
- Holidays
Christmas, Valentine’s Day, Easter and Halloween, bring your favorite holiday celebrations to life!
- Aircrafts
Color & learn about iconic aircraft from history! We’ve included six of the most famous fighter planes: the Spitfire, Sopwith Camel, de Havilland Vampire, Fokker Dr. I Red Baron, Lockheed P-38 Lightning and Me 262!
- Earth Day
Earth day is a secular holiday dedicated to bringing awareness to the state of the planet with the goal of inspiring the world to unite under the common cause of protecting and restoring our planet. It has grown into an international movement, with over 1 billion people mobilized into action each year. Check out the new eARth day page, along with some amazing lesson/activity plans developed for the “Restore our Earth” official 2021 theme!
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